Tuesday, 19 May 2015

NYLD 2015

NYLD-2015 dunedin

Monday the 11th was a truly inspirational day,
It was the day that the national young leaders day
( NYLD) for 2015 was held.

It was held in Dunedin in the south island of NZ,
NYLD is held as a program for students at schools especially targeted at the Year 7 and 8’s although there were some year nines there.

NYLD is a program that has many guest speakers invited that share inspirational speeches and talk about leadership to you and obviously the over 1,000 other students, and the venue this year ( The Dunedin town hall) was awesome with all the lights and all the pumped atmosphere.

Even though there were many amazing speakers I came to a  conclusion of my favourite one, “William Pike” who I found incredibly inspirational and motivational.

His talk was not just a speech but a thought changing message, He had a story about how he had lost a leg.
He had been venturing with his best friend james as he loved to do when he found the shelter and got inside and set up, he could not go to sleep that night because he was not too tired, when all of a sudden he heard a rumble the shelter was about to “crumble”. he saw the roof smash open when james woke up and realized that the shelter itself had crushed and trapped williams leg, he knew there was only one thing he could do seeing he could not move the debris so he strapped up and headed to find help and rescue William. so they eventually came as William prayed to stay alive and live on, once he had reached the hospital and been tended for he heard the bad news that his leg would have to be amputated, he got a fake leg and he didn’t just settle with that and never go to be like the old him,instead he climbed that very same snowy and steep mountain again and made it to the top!!!

NYLD your amazing journey was the topic for this year, and it certainly lived up to the name this was a truely motivating experience,

How William pike inspired me was in a life changing way that I will never forget, and it’s all thanks to NYLD!!!

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